Wisconsin Agribusiness Classic

2025 Exhibitors

Welcome to the Wisconsin Agribusiness Classic tradeshow. The tradeshow has nearly 100 exhibitors from numerous aspects of agribusiness. To sign up as an exhibitor, click the button below on the left. To see the tradeshow map, click the button on the right. The booths highlighted in green are taken. Booths not highlighted in green are available.

Booth Pricing

Booth Pricing

Member Booth Rates

Single Booth: $780

Double Booth: $1260

Four Booths: $2020


Non-Member Booth Rates

Single Booth: $1280

Double Booth: $1990

Four Booths: $2990

Exhibit Booth Details

Exhibit Booths Details

Online applications to exhibit by December 17, 2024.

At this time we ask that potential exhibitors contact Denise Vike at denise@wiagribusiness.org to ensure that space is available or click the tradeshow floor button above to see what is not highlighted in green.

Your booth includes a table, 2 chairs and an identification sign. With your booth registration, you will receive free attendee registrations. If you purchase a single booth, you will receive two attendee registrations. A double booth purchase will get you three attendee registrations, and four booths will get you three attendee registrations. 

All exhibitors can register for a hotel through this link.

Size Of Space

Size Of Space

The size of each booth is a multiple of an area of 80 sq. ft. (10'x 8'). In arranging your exhibit, please conform with the size of your booth. No part of the exhibit may extend into the aisle. Draping at the back of the booth is 8 ft. high and is green and white, and the side draping is 3 ft. high.

Exhibitor Setup Schedule

Exhibitor Setup Schedule

Exhibitors may set up on Sunday, January 12, 2025 from 8:00 pm to 10:00 pm or Monday, January 13, 2025 from 7:00 am to 10:00 am.

Removal Of Exhibits

Removal Of Exhibits

Exhibitors will not be permitted to remove exhibits or any part of the same until the close of the trade show at 1:30 p.m. on Tuesday, January 14, 2025.

Exhibit Hall Admittance/Badges

Exhibit Hall Admittance/Badges

Badges will be required to be admitted into the exhibit hall for all convention attendees, including exhibitors.

Hours Of Exhibit

Hours Of Exhibit

The tradeshow will be open from 10:00 am to 6:00 pm on Monday, January 13, 2025, and from 8:00 am to 1:30 pm on Tuesday, January 14, 2025.

Exhibitors should have their booths set up by 10:00 am on Monday, January 13, 2025. There will be open hours for conference attendees to view the trade show in each day's program.


A&L Great Lakes Laboratories 413 www.algreatlakes.com
Able Ag Solutions 703 www.ableagsolutions.com
Ag Resource Management 600 www.armlend.com
Ag Sales Professionals 612 www.gregmartinelli.net
Ag Spray Equipment 602 www.agspray.com
AgBio Logic, LLC 400 www.agbiologic.com
AGI 711 www.aggrowth.com
AgrAbility of Wisconsin 613 www.agrability.bse.wisc.edu/
Agrete Software LLC 601 www.agrete.com
AgSource Laboratories 308 www.agsource.com
AgTrax 104 www.agtrax.com
AgVantage Software, Inc 107 www.agvantage.com
ALCIVIA 605 www.alcivia.com
All Energy Solar 614 www.allenergysolar.com
Alternative Pest Solutions 503 www.alternativepestsolutions.com
American Drone, LLC 911, 912 www.americandrone.us
BASF 908, 910 www.agriculture.basf.us
Bayer Crop Science 609, 610, 709, 710 www.cropscience.bayer.us/
Biomass Sales & Consulting 414 www.biomass-sales.com
Calcium Products 208 www.calciumproducts.com
CHS Inc. 707, 708 www.chsinc.com
Contree Sprayer & Equipment 409 www.contree.com
Corteva Agriscience 301 www.corteva.com
Cream City Stateline Scale 502 www.creamcityscale.com
Davis Equipment 403, 404, 405, 406 www.davisequip.com
DNR Sustainability and Business Support 712 www.dnr.wisconsin.gov
Dultmeier Sales 505, 506 www.dultmeier.com
Eastern Iowa Grain Inspection 504 www.easterniowagrain.com
FarmChem 303 www.farmchem.com
Fertilizer Dealer Supply 606, 706 www.fertilizerdealer.com
Gowan USA 103 www.gowanco.com
Greenfield Contractors LLC 302 www.greenfield-contractors.com
Heads Up Plant Protection 401 www.headsupst.com
Heartland Tank Services 304 www.heartlandtankservices.com
Helena Agri Enterprises, LLC 200, 201 www.helenaagri.com
Hydrite 310 www.hydrite.com
J & D Construction 307 www.jdconstinc.com
John Deere Sprayer Dealers of WI 507, 508, 509 www.deere.com/en/sprayers/
Kahler Automation 512 www.kahlerautomation.com
La Crosse Seed 209, 210 www.lacrosseseed.com
Marcus Construction 204 www.marcusconstruction.com
MBE CPAs 511 https://mbe.cpa/
Murray Equipment Inc. 500 www.murrayequipment.com
Nutrien 607 www.nutrien.com
Oakley Fertilizer 603 www.bruceoakley.com/divisions/fertilizer/
People Spark Company 101 www.peoplesparkconsulting.com
Phospholutions 513 www.phospohlutions.com
Planet Earth Agronomy 514 www.planetearthagronomy.com
Precision Liquid Construction, LLC 611 www.precisionbuild.com
Ranco Fertiservice, Inc. 408 www.rancofertiservice.com
Rogers Wagley Inc. 501 www.rogerswagleyinc.com
Rosen's Inc. 407 www.aginfotoday.com
Sackett Waconia 510 www.sackettwaconia.com
Schultz's Inter-State Ag, Inc. 202, 203 www.schultzag.com
Simonsen Industries, Inc. 704 www.simonsen-industries.com
Stueve Construction, LLC 700 www.stueve.com
Syngenta 410, 411 www.syngenta-us.com
The Andersons Inc 412 www.andersonsplantnutrient.com
Timpte, Inc. 402 www.timpte.com
Titan Application 205, 206, 305, 306 www.titanmachinery.com
Twin State Inc. 300 www.twinstateinc.com
UPL-Ltd 102 www.upl-ltd.com
USDA NASS 714 www.nass.usda.gov
USDA NRCS 713 www.nrcs.usda.gov
USDA Rural Development 907 www.rd.usda.gov
UW-Platteville College of Agriculture 100 www.uwplatt.edu/department/school-agriculture
Valent USA 105, 106 www.valent.com
Van Diest Supply Company 604 www.vdsc.com
Visjon Biologics 705 www.visjonbiologics.com
Vive Crop Protection 207 www.vivecrop.com
WABA Safety Program 701
West Side Salvage 913 www.westsidesalvage.com
WintexAgro USA 608 www.wintexagrousa.com
Wisconsin CCA 309 www.certifiedcropadviser.org
Wisconsin DATCP 702 www.datcp.wi.gov/Pages/Homepage.aspx